Thursday, January 23, 2014

nummy nori rolls

Being that this is the first recipe I'll be sharing with you, the reader, I want to provide something relatively easy. No, it's not another take on the 'ol chopped salad. I understand it's important to break away from our typical, go-to raw recipes that almost always end up in salad form one way or another. This recipe breaks away from that mold and allows one to grab this delicious meal, bust out the door and on to whatever the day has in store. Most of us are in a constant rush from point "a" to point "b" (I know I am) so I find that it's helpful to have a couple recipes up my sleeve that are quick, tasty, and very simple. Without further adieu...

Nori rolls that are easy to make and versatile. You can practically throw anything and everything you like in them so they're always different! Here's what I did the last time I made them...

-Nori - uncooked and living
-Greens of your liking (sprouts or arugula are my favs)
-some kind kind of protein if you like (i.e. sprouted firm soy)
-sliced avocado
-Carrots (long kind)
-red pepper
-one lemon
-braggs nutritional yeast
-salt and pepper

Use a peeler to thinly slice a carrot so you're left with the flimsy core. Lay the nori down. Put the carrot strips, and everything else in the wrap (excluding the lemon) with enough room to roll it still. Squeeze a little lemon on the veggies and use the lemon to wet alternate ends of the seaweed. That will make it stick. Roll it up and let it sit a sec so the nori has time to bind.

Viola! Enjoy.

*For those with a busy "on the go" lifestyle, you can make a bunch or these at once and refrigerate them for the following day. The lemon will keep the avocado from oxidizing (browning)!

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