Sunday, January 26, 2014

One cup of coffee... A hundred consequences

I'm on my way to the trail head in Laguna Beach and I decide to stop for a decaf americano.

True story.

Okay. There's more.

I see only one car in the drive through, so I figure 'no big deal. I won't be idling my car for long. I can justify it just this once.' 

Subtract one point.

I let the cashier know I have a reusable cup for them to which she responds "it's a health code violation for us to take cups from the drive through window." 


*Subtract two points... 

I pay for and receive my americano, lid, plastic stopper, sleeve and all. 

*Subtract four points! 

Wait. AND (*drum roll) it's double cupped...

*Go directly to jail; do not pass go; do not collect $200; you're a sea turtle murderer.

I'm off to a great start today.

I'm usually as environmentally friendly as our community allows me to be (and then some). In terms of light affairs, this just goes to show how something as minascule as idling your car in a drive-through catalizes a ripple effect that continues beyond your ability to control it. One EXTREMELY SMALL step toward preserving the environment can make a BIG difference. 

Today, I urge everyone to take one small, conscious action toward bettering the beautiful world we live in.

I, on the other hand, have some catching up to do...


  1. Yes, I hate drive throughs. Think of all those we have now days and how much pollution they cause.

    1. And the energy expenditure involved in order to to produce each of those paper cups, lids, sleeves, etc.. Not to mention, the waste they create and the pollution involved in manufacturing and transporting them.
