Wednesday, June 11, 2014

anti antibiotics

I don't touch antibiotics because they actually cripple the immune system. Though extremely complex, it's said that roughly 80 percent of immune function is found within the digestive system and is specifically regulated by a vast numbers of Micro flora in the gut. Good and bad microbe percentages fluctuate depending upon our health and lifestyle at any given time. The problem is, when antibiotics are prescribed and ingested to kill off the bad microbes, we in turn wipe out all the good guys. So while we might "cure the cold" (so to speak), we also disable ourselves from being able to prevent and heal a slew of potential ailments (disease, illness, viruses, infection, etc.) and even evolved, recurring viruses.
Here are some super awesome natural antibiotic-like remedies that boost immunity and won't leave you feeling crummy!

1) Garlic
2) Colloidal Silver
3) Oil of oregano
4) Echinacea

5) Manuka honey

Click here for the link!

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